A range of Wellness Walks to help you get outside and boost your mental and physical health.
Walk leaders are fully qualified and specially trained to start supportive conversations, foster safe spaces and most importantly, to listen. The walks give participants the chance to engage with nature, meet other people and the space and time to really be heard.
Places on these walks can be accessed via other service providers in the partnership or via our website. (some walks have specific participation criteria due to how they are funded)
MHNW deliver a range of mental health support services including First Aid for Mental Health training and awareness courses and more specialised 1:1 nature therapy days.
Connecting people in West Cumbria with mental health support services in the community.
The West Cumbria Mental Health Partnership is led by Groundwork NE & Cumbria with Together We and is funded with a grant received from the Cumbria Community Foundation through the Transforming West Cumbria Programme funded by Sellafield Ltd.