Two’s Company Keswick launched in the summer of 2021 as a partnership between Churches Together in Keswick and the Keswick Rotary Club with the support of Age UK West Cumbria, and as part of a partnership agreement with Linking Lives UK.
Our overall aim is to reduce social isolation and loneliness in the Keswick and surrounding CA12 area through befriending, either as a weekly 1-2 hour face to face visit or by a weekly 30 minutes telephone conversation.
We aim to recruit volunteer befrienders from the local community who are interested in people, good at listening and want to make a difference. They are all trained and DBS checked, whilst those wishing befriending are referred through social prescribers, other local organisations, friends and family or self-referrals. Befrienders and their friends are then ‘matched’ considering personality and interests.
Those wishing befriending are referred through social prescribers, other local organisations,
friends and family or self-referrals – and after an initial assessment will be ‘matched’ up with
a befriended for a weekly visit or phone call.
For general information contact Fiona, the scheme coordinator, by email, mobile or through the website.
Referrals can be made through the website or by phone.
Connecting people in West Cumbria with mental health support services in the community.
The West Cumbria Mental Health Partnership is led by Groundwork NE & Cumbria with Together We and is funded with a grant received from the Cumbria Community Foundation through the Transforming West Cumbria Programme funded by Sellafield Ltd.