The North Cumbria Recovery College began in 2021 to provide support for Adults aged 18+ in Allerdale, Copeland, Carlisle, and Eden.
The College provides group sessions and opportunities for those experiencing mental or physical health difficulties, or those caring for someone who does, to engage in a variety of courses and groups that are focused on increasing understanding, developing skills and confidence to be able to take control of your mental and physical wellbeing.
The Recovery College courses are available in the following locations:
We hold weekly drop-in sessions in every delivery area. To find out how you can join us, please visit our website or reach out to us using the contact information provided below!
This course is beneficial to those who wish to improve their confidence in their everyday life.
Find out what assertiveness is and isn’t and together we will explore the different elements of assertive behaviours. This course is beneficial to those who wish to improve their confidence in their everyday life.
You can find timetables for each block on our website,
Phone – 0808 196 1773
Email –
Website –
Enrolment form – use link to website above
Together We Talk uses straight forward interventions to help you understand and recognise your own mental health and wellbeing. This includes looking at what things may affect the way you feel and how this affects the way you behave and think.
We will work together to find ways to manage unhelpful thoughts and behaviours and manage how you feel.
Connecting people in West Cumbria with mental health support services in the community.
The West Cumbria Mental Health Partnership is led by Groundwork NE & Cumbria with Together We and is funded with a grant received from the Cumbria Community Foundation through the Transforming West Cumbria Programme funded by Sellafield Ltd.