Here at CADAS we understand the impact a person’s substance use can have on their loved ones or carers.
Our Family & Friends Service is designed to support people who are caring for, or are affected by, someone with a drug and/or alcohol misuse problem. For example – a spouse, or a child affected by their parent’s substance use.
We also support carers (regardless of who they are caring for and why) who, due to the nature of the caring role, have begun to misuse drugs and/or alcohol themselves as a way to manage and cope with their situation.
Finally, we support family members and carers to understand the role they can play in their loved one’s recovery. For example, there are statistics that clearly show how support from others can help individuals make a better and more sustained recovery.
Are you worried about a family member’s or friend’s substance use? CADAS are here to provide you with the support you and your family need.
CADAS Family Support Project is available for families living in the West of the county, in Copeland and Allerdale specifically. The Project will support you around your drug/alcohol use, in addition to supporting you as a family unit. Individualised support can be provided to improve parenting skills, mental health, and emotional wellbeing, reducing isolation and signposting to additional support where necessary.
One to One therapeutic sessions, with trained staff, provide the opportunity to find new ways to approach the challenges you are facing. We will agree on a plan with you about how we can work together to help you achieve recovery
Our support activities vary. We offer peer group support, plus 1:1 therapeutic support for those carers struggling with their own mental health. We also offer a wide range of health and wellbeing activities as both an opportunity for respite, and as a way of providing well-being techniques that can be taken away and used at home.
To talk to a recovery support worker and perhaps decide to refer yourself in to our service, use our contact information below:
For more immediate online support contact Talk to Frank using the links below:
At CADAS we work with individuals and communities to reduce the harm caused by substance use across Cumbria by:
• Supporting young people (10+) and adults who feel their substance use is problematic
• Supporting people caring for, or affected by, loved ones using drugs or alcohol
• Delivering training and consultancy across all sectors
• Training volunteers to deliver any or all of our services.
For more information visit the CADAS website using the button below:
Connecting people in West Cumbria with mental health support services in the community.
The West Cumbria Mental Health Partnership is led by Groundwork NE & Cumbria with Together We and is funded with a grant received from the Cumbria Community Foundation through the Transforming West Cumbria Programme funded by Sellafield Ltd.