West Cumbria Mental Health Partnership

West Cumbria Mental Health Partnership

Always Another Way Services

Always Another Way are a local community interest company providing preventative mental health support services for children, young people and adults. Our team is from a wide range of backgrounds and are dedicated to the roles they play in the organisation and to making a difference in the community.

Alternative and Complimentary coping strategies

From AlwaysAnotherWay

Alternative and Complimentary coping strategies We teach coping skills and management techniques through one to one or group sessions, tailored around the needs of the individual. We also help you...

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CONNECT Mental Health Drop In

From AlwaysAnotherWay

CONNECT Mental Health Drop-in Weekly sessions every Friday at 12-1:30pm in Whitehaven. An informal group setting where you can have a cuppa and chat with people in the same situation...

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Colour Coded LGBTQ+ Support

From AlwaysAnotherWay

Colour Coded LGBTQ+ Support Our LGBTQ+ project for 11–24-year-olds and their families allows a safe space to be themselves, find information and advice, build confidence, and meet others. With planned...

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Mental Health Support for Young People

From AlwaysAnotherWay

Low level mental health support for young people through 121 support sessions, mentoring, group work, workshops, youth club, schools-based support.

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West Cumbria Mental Health Partnership © 2021. All Rights Reserved.