These services offer individual specialised help plans through counselling/therapy.
Alternative and Complimentary coping strategies We teach coping skills and management techniques through one to one or group sessions, tailored around the needs of the individual. We also help you...
Read MoreConfidential addiction services for adults CADAS supports anyone who feels their substance use is problematic – and does not require people to be abstinent but does focus on the reduction...
Read MoreConfidential addiction services for young people Here at CADAS we understand the impact a person’s substance use can have on their loved ones or carers. Our Family & Friends Service...
Read MoreConfidential alcohol and drug services for young people The CADAS team is available to offer friendly and non-judgemental advice surrounding alcohol and drug use or can provide more intensive support...
Read MoreCumbria Safe Haven The Richmond Fellowship are a free mental health service who provide support to anyone over the age of 18 that may be struggling with their mental health...
Read MoreHelping young people to thrive and achieve a sustainable and positive future
Read MoreFocused Therapies We are a new CIC not for profit service, our primary aim is to support the mental, physical, and emotional well-being of individuals in our community. Established in...
Read MoreThe Freedom Project The Freedom Project offers support and counselling for anyone affected by domestic violence or abuse. Their services include: – One to One counselling for victims/survivors – One...
Read MoreGrowing Well – Egremont Growing Well offers mental health support in a horticulture setting. You don’t need a formal mental health diagnosis but just to recognise that you need support....
Read MoreConnecting people in West Cumbria with mental health support services in the community.
The West Cumbria Mental Health Partnership is led by Groundwork NE & Cumbria with Together We and is funded with a grant received from the Cumbria Community Foundation through the Transforming West Cumbria Programme funded by Sellafield Ltd.