West Cumbria Mental Health Partnership

West Cumbria Mental Health Partnership

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About us – Who we are and what we do

The West Cumbria Mental
Health Partnership

The partnership has been formed to connect people with a range of community mental health support across West Cumbria and to raise awareness in the area about the great range of support available through both our  partners and lots of other organisations who we work closely with.

There is a wide range of mental health support available in West Cumbria and this page has been developed to help you find the types of support that you feel are right for you or someone you know.

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Partnership Funding

Supporting the work we do

The West Cumbria Mental Health Partnership is led by Groundwork NE & Cumbria and Together We and is funded with a grant received from the Cumbria Community Foundation through the Transforming West Cumbria Programme funded by Sellafield Ltd.

Click here for more information on Groundwork, Together We or the Cumbria Community Foundation.

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Mental Health Statistics for Cumbria:

0 %
Of People Aged 16+
Report Low Happiness
0 %
Of People Aged 16+
Experience High Anxiety
Hospital Admissions
For Self-Harm (2019/20)
between (2018 - 20)

Partner Organisations

The organisations who offer services which are funded through the
Transforming West Cumbria Mental Health Partnership funded by Sellafield Ltd.

There are lots of different ways to improve your mental health.

The partnership works with a wide range of support organisations to help you find the approach thats right for you.

You can find information about these organsations and their services here or follow the links to their websites for more details.

Alwaysanotherway WEB

Always Another Way

Improving the Mental Wellbeing of West Cumbria.

We support our clients by developing personalised coping strategies to improve mental wellbeing in West Cumbria. Our goal is to reduce isolation and help overcome barriers to daily life caused by personal challenges. Our diverse team is united by a dedication to making a difference in our community and promoting positive change.

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Cumbria Youth Alliance

Reach your full potential

Cumbria Youth Alliance provides infrastructure support for organisations working with children, young people and families. We also provide direct support to vulnerable young people in a variety of settings and are leading a number of new projects, whilst continuing to deliver existing projects across Cumbria.

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Mind in Furness

Our vision is to work proactively and in partnership with statutory and other organisations and individuals: to promote mental health and to improve the quality of life for people suffering from, or with the potential to suffer from, mental distress by providing and encouraging user-led activities and services and to increase awareness of those issues through education and a strong, positive presence in the local community.

The Windmill Trust New Logo

The Windmill Trust

'Preventing the Effects of Bullying'

Creative therapy sessions for children and young people at risk of long term mental health issues, support for parents/carers, consultation and training for school

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Together We Talk

‘Empowering people to take control over their Mental Health and Wellbeing’

Together We Talk uses straight forward interventions to help you understand and recognise your own mental health and wellbeing. This includes looking at what things may affect the way you feel and how this affects the way you behave and think.

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Citizen's Advice Allerdale

Citizen’s Advice Allerdale is an independent charity that works as part of the wider Citizen’s Advice network.

They will work with anyone over age 15, offering specialist advice and support on a variety of issues that can negatively impact mental health, including:

– Benefits Advice

– Debt Advice

– Energy Advice

– Housing Advice

– Employment Advice

– Consumer Advice

CA Copeland

Citizen's Advice Copeland

Citizen’s Advice Copeland is an independent charity that works as part of the wider Citizen’s Advice network.

They will work with anyone over age 15, offering specialist advice and support on a variety of issues that can negatively impact mental health, including:

– Benefits Advice

– Debt Advice

– Energy Advice

– Housing Advice

– Employment Advice

– Consumer Advice

If you are unsure if a service is what you need, get in touch with the providing organisation through our Contact Page and they will be happy to provide advice and guide you to support thats right for you

West Cumbria Mental Health Partnership © 2021. All Rights Reserved.